Monday, March 31, 2014

When Doctor’s Disagree

What happens when doctors disagree on a pediatric diagnosis?  What are the parents’ rights in a diagnosis dispute?  Do they have any?

Many of my faithful readers will be familiar with the story of Justina Pelletier.  I have been following the case of this 15 year old girl for several months.  For new readers I will give a quick recap here:
Justina is a 15 year old Connecticut girl, she had been diagnosed with Mitochondrial Disease at Tuft’s Medical Center by Dr. Mark Korson.  In February of 2013 Justina developed the flu, Dr. Korson suggested that the family take Justina to Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) to see her gastroenterologist who had recently moved to BCH.

When the family arrived at BCH they were told they would not be allowed to see the gastroenterologist, the staff at BCH quickly changed Justina’s diagnosis from Mitochondrial Disease to Somatoform Disorder, a psychological condition that manifests in physical symptoms.  They stopped all of her medications and moved her to the psychiatric ward of the hospital.  When the parents objected and said they were going to return their daughter to her doctors at Tufts the hospital made allegations of medical child abuse and the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) took temporary custody of Justina.  The parents have been fighting to regain custody ever since.

The theme of the many, many court dates has been postponement, but a decision was finally made last week.  Judge Johnston granted “permanent” custody to DCF.  This ruling cannot be reviewed by the court for 6 months, the judge backdated the decision to December, so the family’s next court date is May 25th, 2014.

In January, Justina was moved to a non-medical psychiatric facility.  The average stay at this facility is 2 weeks or less, she has now been there over 2 months.  Her family feels that this is a dangerous environment for Justina.  According to her father, Lou Pelletier, before developing the flu last year his daughter was a typical active teenager, she handled her chronic illness well and enjoyed activities such as figure skating.  By the time she was moved to this non-medical facility in January 2014, she was confined to a wheelchair barely able to walk.

The family’s position is that Boston Children’s Hospital and Massachusetts DCF have kidnapped their daughter and are neglecting her medical needs to a point that her life is in imminent danger.
Lou Pelletier has been on a media campaign to raise awareness of his daughter's condition and situation.  The family’s last big media appearance was on the Dr. Phil show about two weeks ago.  The episode was well done and featured opinions from many experts on custody battles.  The overarching theme was that any custody case involving the state should focus on creating a safe environment at home so the child could return to the family.  This is done through investigation of the home and family life, counseling, education, etc. basically whatever is necessary to reunite the child with his/her family.  According to the Pelletier family no investigation has been done and they do not feel that Massachusetts DCF has any intention of working to return custody of their daughter.

The trouble with this story is that we only have the Pelletier family’s side, DCF has remained extremely tight lipped, making very few statements regarding the case, none that have been particularly informative or helpful.  From all appearances the family is calm, together, medically literate, and rational.  I recognize that their side of the story is certainly biased and we must keep that in mind, however with the silence from DCF, lack of criminal charges toward the parents, and drastic difference in this girl through photos from this year and last, the family’s story appears to be credible.

A few weeks ago Judge Johnston ruled that Justina’s medical care be transferred from Boston’s Children’s Hospital back to Tufts.  This was considered a win for Justina’s family, and the parent’s called to help facilitate Justina’s appointment with Dr. Korson.  Massachusetts DCF refused to take Justina to Tufts prior to this most recent decision, it remains to be seen what they will do now that they have been granted custody.

One of the things I fail to understand in this case is how BCH could override the diagnosis from Tufts and because they make a new diagnosis have grounds to remove this child from the custody of her parents.  What are a parent’s rights in healthcare situations?  Do they have the right to decide: who treats their child, which doctors to trust, or whether to seek a second opinion? 

A key player in the new diagnosis of Somatoform Disorder was Simona Bujoreanu PhD.  Somatoform Disorder takes a very long time to diagnose, before a diagnosis can be confirmed, the physician must rule out any possible medical cause.  Physicians at Boston Children’s Hospital allegedly diagnosed Justina with Somatoform disorder in just 12 hours.

 I think it is important to focus on Dr. Bujoreanu because of an article she wrote a few years ago.  The article is titled: “Approach to Psychosomatic Illness in Adolescents.”  Dr. Bujoreanu claims in this article that “20-50% of all patients complaining of physical symptoms can be categorized as having medically unexplained symptoms.”  As the article goes on she seems to claim that psychosomatic diagnoses are a catch-all for these patients with symptoms that cannot be immediately medically explained.  She makes broad strokes about what can be considered psychosomatic and does not focus on how time consuming a diagnosis like this should be.  She talked about how families may react badly to a psychosomatic diagnosis, but did not stress how careful a psychologist should be in making the diagnosis. 

In Justina’s case her physical symptoms had been explained by a diagnosis of Mitochondrial Disorder, the doctors at Boston Children’s Hospital simply rejected this diagnosis.  I think doctors need to be extremely careful when countering the diagnosis of another physician and if the new diagnosis is psychosomatic even more time and evidence will be needed.

The decision of the judge this week was very disappointing.  The family has been investigated by Connecticut Department of Children and Families and nothing was found.  Connecticut Department of Children and Families has repeatedly turned down a transfer of Justina to their custody, presumably because they have previously cleared this family.  I also feel very strongly that before a child is placed in “permanent” foster care against the express wishes of the family, some sort of criminal charges should need to be filed against the parents.  I am frankly appalled that something like this could happen in America.

Parents should be allowed to disagree with a diagnosis and to have their child treated by the medical professional of their choice.  If the child is in danger of abuse or neglect by a family member criminal charges should be filed along with the request for custody by the hospital or state.  I am a very strong advocate for parental rights, and believe that excepting extreme cases custody of and decisions for children should remain with the parents.  Parents need to have defined rights in medical situations, perhaps this case can motivate us to more plainly secure parental rights when a child is ill.  I have said it before, but will stress it again, I am shocked and saddened that removal of a child from her family like this does not have to be associated with criminal charges against the parents.

I have so much to say about this case and I am sure I have not typed my last on this story.  I was glad to hear that the family plans to continue the fight at the appellate court level.  I will be following this closely as it develops, I hope you will as well.  More to come…


  1. Just plain incredible and frightening. Thinking back to when our daughter was sick and they were unable to diagnose her, we too could have face a similar fate.

  2. There are three issues that I think are important. First, imagine for a moment that the doctors at Tufts in Connecticut (backed up by the Connecticut Department of Children and Families) felt strongly that their diagnosis (call it Diagnosis "A") was the only correct and valid diagnosis.

    Conversely, BCH in Massachusetts (backed up by the Massachusetts DCF) felt equally strongly that their diagnosis (call it Diagnosis "B") was the only correct and valid diagnosis.

    Each hospital was willing to call in the power of their respective State to remove parental rights if the parents don’t agree to their diagnosis.

    In the above scenario, wouldn't the parents be damned if they did and equally damned if they didn't?

    Second, remember that the entire reason the Pelletiers lost parental rights to Justina was because BCH felt that they were engaged in "Medical Child Abuse" by following the advice from the doctors at Tufts as opposed to the diagnosis from Boston Children’s Hospital.

    Now that the court issued a written order for BCH to allow Tufts to provide medical care for Justina, isn’t it obvious that the court (literally) has issued a court order to force Massachusetts DCF to engage in the same action that supposedly was considered medical child abuse?

    They can’t have it both ways. Either diagnosis and care from Tufts is medical child abuse or it isn’t.

    And finally, BCH contacted and requested that Massachusetts do an emergency procedure to temporarily remove parental rights until a full court hearing could happen. By law, Massachusetts DCF is supposed to engage an independent third party to review the case to help decide if what the hospital is charging ends up being accurate. Many of the legislators from both CT and MA have expressed their unwillingness to intervene in the specific case because the law so clearly requires a third party to investigate and make a determination before what started out as a temporary removal of custody becomes permanent. The lawmakers think their law is being followed.

    You will never guess where MA DCF gets the "independent third party" to verify the claims of BCH. That is right. Boston Children's Hospital. It is an incestuous relationship made stronger by the fact that Harvard so completely dominates the cultural, business, and medical world in Boston. They both fund and provide medical personnel to BCH. The bottom line in Boston is that you don't cross Harvard.

    This entire scenario is an attack on the most sacred institution, the family. When doctors exert control over parents instead of being the providers of a service bought and paid for in the open market, we can expect more of this type of behavior. Unless we push back (and push back hard) right now, this is coming to a hospital near you.
