Tuesday, September 23, 2014

ALS Walk and Roll 2014

As many of you know my father passed away from complications of his ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Lou Gehrig’s Disease) last October.  For the past three years my family has participated in the ALS of Michigan Walk and Roll.  We are participating again this year on September 28th at Stoney Creek.

Walk 'n Roll for ALS: 2009

ALS of Michigan is a fantastic organization that aims to meet the immediate needs of ALS sufferers.  When my dad was living with ALS they let him borrow a scooter, wheelchair, ramps, arm chair, and shower chair as needed.  They have an extensive lending closet to meet the needs of pALS (people with ALS) in Michigan.  The organization also provides respite care to patients in need, filling a vital need for many ALS families.

ALS of Michigan has been a wonderful organization for my family, particularly with the support groups they sponsor for pALS and their caregivers.  I am asking you to please consider donating to this great cause, every little bit helps.  Please follow this link to donate:https://ssl.charityweb.net/alsofmichigan/walknroll/theresaspranger.htm

Thank you in advance for your support!

1 comment:

  1. Hello my name is Ellen Peters and I’m giving a testimony about Dr.Sunshine who cured me from ALS, when I did the test and I was confirmed positive, I was so confused because my son is just too young and I need to be there for him, so I tried all means to make sure I will be there for him, I saw a blog where Dr. Olunku cured ALS, I contacted him through his email and explained my problems to him, and he assured me of Cure, he did what he has been doing for other people and after taking his Herbal medicine I was cured.Dr.Sunshine also a asked me to go for check-up, i went for it and i was negative again... I’m so happy for what Dr. Olunku did for me, contact him via email on drolunkuspellhome@gmail.com
